Tour Dates

Harland the Author
Many of you may not know me as a writer. It’s one of my little, cherished secrets. I feel like being a writer is a secret life concealed inside my already super fun life. My books and short stories help transport me to strange and wonderous places that exist in my mind. By writing about them I can release them out into the world. In doing so I allow myself to go on the most magical of adventures. I hope you enjoy the journeys as well. Harland has two new books on the way, Uncle Milton, a collection of three short stories, and the long awaited, The Things You Don’t Know you Don’t Know, Volume 2. Happy reading.
Harbling Art
For one of a kind, original T-shirts, check out harbling.com
Harland draws his original designs directly onto the fabric using permanent marker. You’ll literally be wearing an original piece of art. If the original shirt is sold out, you can always pick up a print at a reduced price.
Please visit harbling.com and enjoy some wearable Harland art.
Coming Soon
Upcoming Projects
Harland is on TOUR. Please check his Stand Up schedule to see if he’ll be near you!
Harland is currently working on his new movie WINGMAN. Written by, directed by, and starring Harland. This zany R rated comedy is about an out of control Wingman who helps losers get laid. Release date not yet known. Stay tuned!